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Find WHEDA bid requests, public hearings and other public requests and notifications here.

Current Requests

Request for Proposals – Volume Cap Warehousing Line of Credit

The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (“the Authority”) requests a volume cap warehousing taxable line of credit of up to $300 million,  

The line of credit will be drawn for both single family and multifamily mortgage principal payments, including prepayments, on single family mortgages, single family mortgage-backed securities and multifamily mortgages.  The draws will be used to redeem previously issued tax-exempt bonds.

The drawn amounts will be repaid with proceeds from new bond issues.  

Security for the line of credit will be the general obligation of the Authority. The general obligation rating for the Authority is Aa3 by Moody’s Investor Service and AA by Standard and Poor’s.

The Authority has not had a volume cap warehouse facility in the past 5 years.  Historical semi-annual redemption payments eligible for replacement refunding are included as Attachment 5.  Attachment 5 covers the 1987 and 1988 single family bond resolutions and the 1974 multifamily bond resolution.  These amounts may not reflect future redemption payments based on the interest rate environment and the application of tax rules.

The Authority intends to use the results of this process to award a Contract to provide the product and/or service described in this RFP.

Send questions to:  procurement@wheda.com

Questions due on or before August 8, 2024, 12:00 p.m. CT

RFP due on or before August 15, 2024, 12:00 p.m. CT


Request for Qualifications – Single Family Mortgage Loan Defaults

The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to provide interested parties with information needed to prepare and submit a Qualifications for the following.

The Authority seeks proposals from attorneys who can appropriately represent the Authority with respect to default-related legal services, which include foreclosure, bankruptcy, loss mitigation and real estate owned legal matters relative to first-lien single family mortgage loans. This proposal encompasses Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, and VA single family mortgage loans. It also includes non-GSE loans funded from mortgage revenue bonds or the Authority’s balance sheet capital and loans covered by Private Mortgage Insurance. It also covers subordinate lien mortgages for home improvements and property tax payments.

Questions due: on or before July 25, 2024, 2:00 p.m. CT

RFQ due: on or before August 8, 2024, 2:00 p.m. CT


Request for Proposals – Single Family Loan servicing system (includes implementation and professional services)

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to provide interested parties with information needed to prepare and submit a Proposal for the following.

  • Replace WHEDA’s existing mortgage servicing platform.
  • Convert WHEDA’s existing portfolio to the new platform.
  • Replace existing customer facing portal.

The Authority intends to use the results of this process to award one or more Contracts to provide the products and/or services described in this RFP.

Context: The Authority’s Single Family serviced loan portfolio consists of 29,000 loans and has been growing about 8% per year. Of these, 19,000 are escrowed 1st mortgages; 7,000 are DPA seconds; 2,000 tax credit certificates; and 1,000 miscellaneous 2nd mortgages. 1st mortgages are 85% conventional and 15% governmental (FHA). Our current solution has 55 licensed internal staff members, and 15,000 active external users (borrowers).

Questions due: on or before July 25, 2024, 2:00 p.m. CT

RFQ due: on or before August 8, 2024, 2:00 p.m. CT


WHEDA’s procurement practices strive to provide vigilant stewardship of resources, inspire stakeholder confidence through consistent and transparent processes, and ensure the vendor community has access to open and fair competition.

Competitive Bidding Processes

For its competitive bidding processes, WHEDA encourages Wisconsin-based businesses, Minority Business Enterprises, Women-Owned Business Enterprises and Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises to submit quotes and proposals whenever possible. Businesses looking to obtain MBE, WBE and DVB certification can obtain more information through the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

Competitive bidding is the preferred method for WHEDA to select suppliers of goods and services. WHEDA typically uses the following competitive methods based upon the value and/or type of the goods or services to be purchased and the timeframe on which the goods or services are needed.

Simplified Bid: At least three quotes from viable vendors shall be obtained when the cost of a good or services is less than $50,000.

Request for Bid: Most commodity and some service solicitations at or above $50,000 are issued through an RFB. An RFB is used when WHEDA is able to develop clear specifications for the item(s) to be procured.

Request for Proposal: An RFP is used to solicit proposals for purchases at or above $50,000 where an award cannot be made strictly on specifications or price. Rather than meet detailed and precise specifications, vendors are given an opportunity to propose how they would provide a product or service.

Request for Qualifications:  From time-to-time, WHEDA may issue an RFQ to evaluate a proposer’s qualifications, costs and potential contract requirements in advance of the need for its services. WHEDA may approve multiple vendors over the term of the RFQ or individually as the need for services arise.

Vendor Database

Business Type (please select all that apply)
Is the business certified by the Wisconsin Department of Administration?
Is the business already working with WHEDA?

Nondiscrimination Statement

WHEDA will not discriminate against any vendor or supplier, or discourage any submission of a proposal or bid or delay any decision for any proposal or bid on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual preference, marital status, familial status, physical condition, developmental disability, age (provided the applicant has the capacity to contract) or any other prohibited basis.