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Property Owners and Landlords

Property owners interested in housing voucher holders should complete an interest form.

If you are a potential applicant, please contact WHEDA’s agent(s) for an application.

Interest Form

For more information on becoming a landlord that houses voucher holders, please visit HUD's HCV Landlord Resources page.

HCV Landlord Resources

Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Pre-Inspection Form
Each unit rented to a Housing Choice Voucher holder must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. The checklist is a tool for owners to prepare their unit for an HQS inspection.
This checklist highlights some of the common violations found during unit inspections. The items on this checklist must be working or completed prior to the HQS inspection.

VA Landlord Engagement Flyer
The Department of Veterans Affairs is looking for landlords in Southeastern and Northeastern Wisconsin to help house Veterans through vouchers to use with landlords in the private market to find housing.

Assistance Payment Information for the Emergency Housing Voucher Program
Subsidy will be paid once the unit passes inspection, WHEDA has a copy of the signed lease, and the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract has been signed and returned.

WHEDA Partner Portal 
Landlords can review details about their payments and tenants and make changes to their information at their convenience. Requests can also be made using the Partner Portal to communicate different actions to our HCV Program staff such as rent issues, repairs completed, rescheduling of an inspection.