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No Tricks, Just Treats: Owning a Home is Pretty Sweet!

A common sentiment heard from first-time home buyers is, “I love the home because it’s mine.” The pride of homeownership rarely results just from the mere satisfaction of having a roof over a family’s head, but rather the everyday activities and commotion that transform a house into a home.

For one Wisconsin family, the journey to find a home was inspired by their two-year-old daughter, Cora. It began with a search of the housing market in early 2014. Matt and Kerry knew that purchasing a house would require a major financial investment; they were looking for an affordable mortgage that fit their limited budget. The couple was directed to a WHEDA First Mortgage loan with Easy Close Advantage by their loan officer at UW Credit Union.

WHEDA's unique financing products allowed them the opportunity to finance a home with minimal down payment costs and a low interest rate. As first-time home buyers, Matt and Kerry were eligible to apply for the WHEDA Tax Advantage program, which allows for an annual tax credit of up to 25% of mortgage interest payments. After months of searching and planning, the family finally moved into a ranch-style house at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac in the community of McFarland.

You can't buy a cul-de-sac. We have a park that's perfect for kids. We're close to schools. I'm so excited we can mark the walls with Cora's height. I can paint her room purple. The yard for our daughter...that was the big selling point.

While WHEDA strives to promote affordable housing in Wisconsin, we realize that a house is more than just a place to live. Memories are made, countless “firsts” are experienced, and these houses become homes embedded into families' history. Cora would have many firsts while living in the chosen house; therefore, the decision to own a home involved more than just purchasing the foundation. Matt, Kerry, and Cora continue to live in McFarland today.